Bit-z token


What is Bit-Z Token? Founded in 2016, Bit-Z is a digital asset trading exchanges, providing professional digital asset trading and OTC (Over The Counter) services. Bit-Z adopts a bank-level SSL technology to ensure transaction security and GSLB with distributed servers to ensure the stability of the platform.

BZ is the ecological token issued by Bit-Z Exchange Bit-Z Token is currently trading at $0.415, up 10.60% in the last 24 hours. See insights on Bit-Z Token including price, news, chart market cap and more on Messari. Current Bit-Z Token Price: $0.0651 USD 0.00000637 BTC: Marketcap: $2,648,246 USD 263 BTC: 24h Volume: $1,752,862 174 BTC: Exchange rates Bit-Z Token (BZ) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Bit-Z Token has a current supply of 677,699,077 with 128,232,001.7 in circulation. The last known price of Bit-Z Token is $0.111818 USD and is down -0.55% over the last 24 hours.

Bit-z token

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The current circulating supply is 125 046 552 and a total supply is 125 046 552 BZ. Unfortunately this coin is not active anymore and probably cannot be traded. Therefore is is also not possible to calculate an accurate total marketcap of Bit-Z BitZ, established in Hong Kong in 2016, is a well-known digital asset trading platform of the world, which provides professional digital asset and OTC trading services to users all over the world. Bit-Z Token (BZ) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Bit-Z Token has a current supply of 677,699,077 with 128,232,001.7 in circulation. The last known price of Bit-Z Token is $0.111818 USD and is down -0.55% over the last 24 hours.

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Bit-z token

Live Bit-Z Tokenprices from all markets and BZcoin market Capitalization. Live Bit-Z Token prices from all markets and Bit-Z Token coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Bit-Z Token price movements and forum discussion.

335.8 BZ to Euro EUR. We provide the most accurate information about how to convert Bit-Z Tokens to Euro. Try our converter and calculator now!

Bit-z token

A calculadora abaixo faz a conversão da cotação de Bit-Z Token (BZ) em reais do Brasil. Para usá-la, apenas mude os valores em um dos campos e o seu  Pata maelezo mafupi Bit-Z Token pamoja na Ripoti ya Bei ya Muda halisi, Cap Market, Historia Charts, Masoko ya Kuishi, Mchanganyiko, Habari na ZaidiBZ  bit-z-logo. KuCoin Logo. okcoin-logo. digifinex. Bittrex Logo.

Bit-z token

It has a current circulating supply of 125,046,555 BZ and a Marketcap of $16.25M. $5.63M worth of Bit-Z Token (BZ) has been traded in the past 24 hours. Bit-Z Token (BZ) currency type is token (Ethereum). BZ trading is available in number of Feb 17, 2021 BitZ Token to SAR Chart BZ to SAR rate for today is SR0.751004 .

Therefore is is also not possible to calculate an accurate total marketcap of Bit-Z BitZ, established in Hong Kong in 2016, is a well-known digital asset trading platform of the world, which provides professional digital asset and OTC trading services to users all over the world. Bit-Z Token (BZ) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Bit-Z Token has a current supply of 677,699,077 with 128,232,001.7 in circulation. The last known price of Bit-Z Token is $0.111818 USD and is down -0.55% over the last 24 hours.

In the last week, Bit-Z Token has traded up 116% against the U.S. dollar. Bit-Z Token has a total market capitalization of $26.48 million and approximately $5.66 million worth of Bit-Z Token […] Bit-Z Token with the ticker BZ is a token from Hong Kong and is created on the Ethereum blockchain. The current circulating supply is 125 046 552 and a total supply is 125 046 552 BZ. Unfortunately this coin is not active anymore and probably cannot be traded. Therefore is is also not possible to calculate an accurate total marketcap of Bit-Z BitZ, established in Hong Kong in 2016, is a well-known digital asset trading platform of the world, which provides professional digital asset and OTC trading services to users all over the world. Bit-Z Token (BZ) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Bit-Z Token has a current supply of 677,699,077 with 128,232,001.7 in circulation.

Bit-z token

Price chart, trade volume, market cap, and more. Discover new cryptocurrencies to add to your portfolio. Explore the top cryptocurrencies with Coinbase, including cryptocurrency price charts, crypto descriptions, and the latest price of Bit-Z Token and ZenSports. Bit-Z Token Daily Performance. Today's Bit-Z Token price is $0.102879, which is up 1% over the last 24 hours. Bit-Z Token's market cap is $13.17M. 24 hour BZ volume is $7.10M.It has a market cap rank of 295 with a circulating supply of 127,997,072 and max supply of 676,245,812.

Bit-Z Token's market cap is $13.17M. 24 hour BZ volume is $7.10M.It has a market cap rank of 295 with a circulating supply of 127,997,072 and max supply of 676,245,812. Bit-Z Token is traded on exchanges.

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Bit-Z Token Widget. Crypto Currency: Bit-Z Token (BZ) Select Fiat Currency Include a Credit Link Copy the text below (simply clicking on the field will select all the text), and paste it into your web page where you want the widget to appear. Related Cryptocurrencies. TajCoin (TAJ) TeslaCoin (TES) Bitcoin Pay (BTP) BitUp Token (BUT) Havven (HAV

One Bit-Z Token token can currently be bought for about $0.21 or 0.00000377 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges. Bit-Z Token has a market capitalization of $26.48 million and approximately $5.66 million worth of Bit-Z Token was traded on exchanges in the last day. During the last seven days, Bit-Z Token has traded 116% higher against the U.S. dollar. One Bit-Z Token token can currently be bought for $0.21 or 0.00000377 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges. BZ is the ecological token issued by Bit-Z Exchange, abbreviated as BZ. It does not publicly raise funds from investors.The initial stage of BZ is based on the Ethereum ERC20 agreement. In the future, the BZ main net will establish more ecological models to boost the development of the platform.